
“Create with Me” Tuesday Kids Class

112 E. 22nd St. 112 E. 22nd St., San Pedro

Join Adventures for the Tuesday morning art class for Kids and Adults. This class is designed for kids between 2-4 years old with an adult. Sign up HERE!


Bead Wranglers – Kids Pearler Bead Class

112 E. 22nd St. 112 E. 22nd St., San Pedro

Join Art-Venture for this KIDS ONLY after-school perler bead workshop. Learn everything you need to know about materials and techniques to create beginner and advanced designs. Create pixel art, mandalas, […]


Beading Together – Tuesday Meet up

112 E. 22nd St. 112 E. 22nd St., San Pedro

Join Art-ventures for the evening perler beads weekly workshop. Tuesdays from 5-6 pm for families of all ages You'll learn basic techniques or advanced designs. Create stunning pixel art, mandalas, […]